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    "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your body."

    1 Cor. 6:19-20 (NIV)



    As it is clear in the Scripture above, it is all about Jesus and then about us, as his body, his property. It is ‘about us’ in as much as the church involves itself in today’s society. It is, in fact, about Jesus – the Head of the Church, and us – his body. He and us. More precisely, it is Jesus expressed visibly through this window cleaned by Him.

    From this follows our great calling and responsibility and the risk we take: To represent Jesus here on earth, without deforming the message God sent to His people, through Him.

    The risk refers to the way society responds to this message when it is presented to them.

    We are a group of Romanian people (Australian citizens) from various parts of Romania, who interact with the purpose of bringing glory to God by:

    • worshipping
    • helping those in need (especially from the Romanian community)
    • living a Christian life that is rxpressed through the love of God, as defined in the Bible.
    • extending the Gospel invitation by calling people to Christ
    • accepting members based on the New Testament baptism
    • spiritual growth of the members and the development of their potential
    • training for service in the Church and in the world.

    We rejoice: when we forgive whole-heartedly those who hurt us; when we love all people (even our enemies) sincerely and purely; when we honour God through a life transformed by the renewal of His Spirit.

    We are ashamed: when we sin, when we harbour resentment towards each other, when we speak foolishly and behave less than courteously or thoughtlessly towards each other, bringing sadness and shame to God’s name and so blocking His message to other people and compromising the work of the Holy Spirit.

    We believe in the Bible and expect Jesus to return from heaven. We live our daily lives with the conviction that we are accountable to God for what we do and say, according to the Bible.

    Guided by the fundamental affirmation that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, we endeavour to put our thinking and daily living, our sentiments and aspirations in accord with His plans for us. This will lead us to see His face on that glorious day. “They will see His face and His name will be on their foreheads”. Revelation 22:4

    So, we are a group of people in the process of transformation in the likeness of Jesus, who sincerely desire to be a light on the path for those searching for ‘that something missing’ in their life, that new dimension and direction, beyond the mundane.



    Last Updated: Saturday, 06 February 2016 04:13